Thescon Webinar: Cloud Computing – Validation and Operation in a Regulated Environment

Thescon expert Dr. Dmitrij Lisak informs you about cloud systems and their use in regulated industry

Cloud systems are on everyone’s mind. Whether individual applications for document or customer management or entire ERP systems such as SAP: the range of IT systems offered ‘in the cloud’ is growing all the time.

IT systems, whether in the cloud or ‘on premise’, must be qualified and validated by companies in the regulated industry. But while there are mostly established processes for validating on premise installations, cloud systems raise new questions about how to proceed and, in particular, the responsibilities between customer and supplier.

We will inform you about the different cloud models and the particularities of their validation in our free approx. 45-minute webinar on Monday, 15.08.2022 from 10:00 am.

Thescon expert Dr. Dmitrij Lisak will consider – beside other – the following questions and problems:

  • Introduction to Cloud Computing
  • What are service and deployment models and why is it relevant?
  • What is the System Development Life Cycles (SDLC) of a cloud system?
  • What should be considered when qualifying and validating cloud systems?
  • How do you validate ERP systems like SAP in the cloud?

Let us know via the contact form how we can send you your personal invitation link.  You will then receive an invitation with the access data for the free webinar.

If you are interested in cloud topics, we also recommend that you participate in our interactive expert panel with Dr. Arno Terhechte of the Münster district government:

We look forward to your participation!

You can also find more information about our competencies and services as well as references at:

Our web seminars are a service for customers and interested parties of Thescon. Service providers and consultants are excluded from participation.

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